Detailed Outline of Speech 2

    1. AGD:
We should pursue a course action where we purge the government of Honduras of corrupted officials that seek to destroy or harm the rain forest of Mongabay. The purpose of this speech is to look at the illegal ring of logging that is spawned from the average person in Honduras to a government official. In this speech I will be talking about a part of the illegal ring of logging that is harmful to the Mongabay rain forest and some of the efforts that are being done that aim to mitigate deforestation. There is no magic bullet. The issues we confront cannot be addressed by a single solution, but by addressing the corruption within the government of Honduras is a necessary but insufficient step in the right direction.  
  1. Problems/Harms: the negative effects of the status quo, or the current configuration. 
 .                     What is the status quo?
a.                   What is wrong with the status quo?

          The inherent problem if this continues at the rate of which it did between the years of 1990 and 2005 Honduras will have cleared out the rainforest of Mongabay within a hundred years. Within 15 years, Honduras cleared 37% in its overall forest coverage. As Honduras struggles to recover and regain some forest coverage, Mexico has stepped in to lend a helping hand. In June of 2019, Mexico is extending its reforestation program into Honduras and is increasing its funding by 100 million U.S. dollars. That is a lot of money, but money is not the only issue that needs confrontation to allow the forest to return to the size it once was. Corruption is the second side to the story that needs correcting to have a happy ending.
         The obstacles that are confronted with tackling a problem that ultimately starts with the government ends with the people is corruption. In order to have any effect with recovering the coverage of forests within Honduras, government officials as well as corrupted companies need to be removed from the equation entirely. There have several instances where the people are peacefully protesting, companies and the government send soldiers to intimidate the local population to the point where they are no longer any threat to their operation. On one occasion during a peaceful protest from the local population to illegal logging of the rainforest, they were confronted by the COBRAS military team. Incidentally COBRAS happen to be the elite counterinsurgency team that the Honduras government owns. In a following example, in 2001, Father José Andrés Tamayo Cortez who was going out and peacefully protesting, he was pushed off the road at gunpoint and given by the counterparty a hand grenade that was shoved into his chest. The instances of corruption and intimidation on the governmental level in Honduras goes on and on. Furthermore, these are just the instances that are known about from intelligence sources.
Not only are governmental officials corrupt, but the companies that are seeking to expand their logging industry through illegal means also need to be purged to allow the local population to regrow Mongabay. Some companies that seek to log have been known to use illegal tactics to continue their logging operations. The one company where there is anecdotal evidence is the Honduran Corporation for Forestry Development company. No instance of wrongdoing is noted except for the denunciation of the company by the Environmental Movement of Olancho for their tactics of intimidating local citizens and threatening them with death when they do accept bribes from them to allow to them to log sectors of the Mongabay without impeding efforts. To that I can find there are no recorded instance of this happening, however, if there is a denunciation of a company from a movement then there has to some validity to what they are saying; even if no recorded instances are found for the everyday public.
      A possible step by step solution is as followed. First, there must be an outcry from the people demanding a change or removal of specific corrupted officials that have direct ties in allowing illegal logging of the rain forest that can heard from multiple countries. Then, those countries would do investigations of the government of Honduras to determine which official is corrupt. To make sure, it is not a corrupted official doing all the reviews of Honduras’ government it would be spread out amongst a randomly selected committee. Honduras will allow these investigations to proceed because enough countries that trade with them will place embargos and or threaten to halt proceedings with them until the whole government has been purged from those that are deemed to be affiliated with people who are in the business of illegal logging and intimidation/force. The next steps that will proceed after the purging of corrupted officials that have direct ties to the illegal logging is to bring in people from local communities that are set against the logging of Mongabay and other forests within their borders. The chances of the people that will be instated into the vacant spots that could be corrupted is slim, because the picking will be of a randomly selected group of people.
      This plan undoes and mitigates the harm that is being done now, by eliminating them from the result. It is the aim of it and has the possibility of being implemented because it will give power to the people, which they desperately want and seek; but it will also limit the possibility of the incoming person being corrupted. If they were a leader of the people fighting against the cruel intimidation that the Honduras’ government is doing to them, then they could not be corrupted to get the peoples support in being let to lead the cause. This plan in my opinion overcomes the barriers of corruption and influence by having a randomized sequence of inputs that will only be touched by the creator of the code that is used to select the person that will fill the vacant seat. To ensure that the creator of the code is unbiased and not corrupted they would not be told the nature of which there code will be used. All they would be asked to do is to create a sequence of which a series of inputs can be randomized to the greatest extent. Then, all copies of the code will be sealed and be given to a random keeper that will be given a new identity and a new life after hiding the code in a place that was randomly given based on the second series of outputs from the code. The reason for randomization is so that no one knows who is doing what, so the chances of bribing or intimidation is reduced to the bare minimum. . Lastly, the creator of the code will only know what the code needs to be able to do. After that, the code will be handed off to someone who’ll then input the names of a list that was gathered by multiple people. Then they will press enter and let the code run to pick the people that will fill the vacant spots.    
         Ultimately, if we can mitigate some of these circumstances it is better than paralysis or inaction in the face of climate crisis. The purpose of this speech was to explicitly show that there is a direct link to corrupt officials, and the illegal logging industry, that makes up a good portion of the lumber coming out of Honduras. In order to mitigate and start to repair the damage done to Mongabay rain forest is if the government of Honduras is purged of all officials who can be connected to the illegal logging and acts of intimidation that are used on the local population.

 Used Sources


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